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How to Apply for a Visa Sponsorship Licence in the UK and Why Do Businesses Need One?

Imagine you’re a UK business that has identified the ideal candidate for a vital position, but they aren’t a UK citizen. To legally employ them, you’ll need a visa sponsorship license. This license enables your company to sponsor foreign workers for certain visa categories, including the skilled worker visa. Essentially, it serves as a stamp of approval from the UK government, affirming your legitimacy and capacity to bring in international talent.

Why Sponsor Foreign Workers?

Sponsoring foreign workers offers numerous advantages for businesses. Here are some key benefits:


Access to a Broader Talent Pool: By sponsoring foreign workers, you can tap into a global market of skilled professionals that may not be available locally. This can help fill critical roles and enhance your workforce’s diversity and qualifications.

Addressing Skill Shortages: Many sectors in the UK are experiencing skill shortages. Sponsorship enables you to recruit talented individuals from abroad who can help bridge these gaps, keeping your business competitive.

Fresh Perspectives: International employees bring unique ideas and methodologies, fostering innovation and creativity within your organization.

Investment in Long-Term Growth: By sponsoring foreign workers, you can invest in their development and training, cultivating a dedicated and skilled team that contributes to your company’s long-term success.

Eligibility and Requirements for a Visa Sponsorship License

Before applying for a visa sponsorship license, ensure your business meets the eligibility criteria, including:

Legitimate Business Operations: Your company must be a registered, lawful business in the UK, with evidence of financial stability.

No Immigration Violations: Your business and its key personnel must have a clean record, free from unspent criminal convictions, especially those related to immigration.

Understanding Sponsor Responsibilities: You must demonstrate a commitment to fulfilling sponsorship obligations, including maintaining records, reporting changes, and ensuring compliance with visa conditions.

Types of Sponsorship Licenses

The UK provides various sponsorship licenses based on the worker’s circumstances and your business relationship. Key types include:

  • Skilled Worker License: This is the most common license for sponsoring skilled workers from outside the UK for occupations listed on the government’s skilled occupations list.
  • Intra-Company Transfer License: This license allows the transfer of existing employees from your overseas branch to your UK branch for a temporary duration.
  • Global Mobility License: This broader category accommodates different scenarios, including sponsoring for high-value or specialized roles or temporary assignments within a multinational company.

Job Requirements for Sponsored Roles

Certain requirements apply to the roles you wish to sponsor:

  • Skill Level: The position must be classified as skilled according to the government’s list, with a minimum salary threshold varying by occupation.
  • Genuine Need: You need to demonstrate a legitimate need for the role and explain why it cannot be filled by a settled worker in the UK.
  • Fair Compensation: The salary offered must meet the prevailing wage for that specific role in your area.

This overview provides general information; specific requirements may vary by license type. For the latest details on eligibility and job requirements, consult the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website.

How to Secure Your Visa Sponsorship License

With an understanding of eligibility and requirements, follow these steps to apply for your visa sponsorship license:

  1. Access the Online Portal: Visit the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website and navigate to the section for applying for a sponsorship license.
  2. Select Your License Type: Choose the appropriate sponsorship license based on the worker’s circumstances and your business needs (e.g., Skilled Worker, Intra-Company Transfer).
  3. Complete the Online Application: The application form will guide you through various sections, collecting details about your business, the sponsored role, and the sponsoring manager.
  4. Pay the Application Fee: Fees vary based on the license type and your business size, so have your payment method ready.
  5. Submit Supporting Documents: This is crucial. Upload scanned copies of necessary documents, typically including:
    • Company Registration Documents (e.g., Certificate of Incorporation)
    • Financial Statements (showing financial stability)
    • Management Information (details of directors and key personnel)
    • Sponsor Monitoring Plan (outlining your strategy for managing sponsored workers)
    • Job Description (for the sponsored role)
    • Evidence of Genuine Need (demonstrating why a settled worker can’t fill the role)

Processing times for a visa sponsorship license can vary, typically taking around 6–8 weeks, but may be longer based on application complexity or additional information requests. Ensure all documents are clear and organized, as incomplete applications can lead to delays.

Additional Considerations for Your Sponsorship Licensing Journey

Securing a visa sponsorship license involves more than just the application. Here are some essential points to consider:

  • Application Fee: Be aware of the processing fee, which varies by license type and business size. Check the UKVI website for the most up-to-date fee structure.
  • Optional Legal Advice: Consulting an immigration lawyer specializing in sponsorship licenses can be beneficial, especially for complex applications or ensuring compliance with sponsorship duties.

Once your license is granted, you have specific responsibilities toward your sponsored workers:

  • Maintaining Records: Keep detailed records of sponsored workers, including their passport information, visa status, and employment details.
  • Reporting Changes: Any changes in a sponsored worker’s circumstances (e.g., job title, salary) must be reported to UKVI within a specified timeframe.
  • Compliance Checks: UKVI may conduct compliance checks to ensure you meet your sponsor duties, which could include document reviews or interviews with your sponsored workers.
  • Visa Validity: You must ensure that sponsored workers maintain their visas throughout their employment and inform UKVI if their visa expires or is curtailed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of sponsorship license is right for my business?
The appropriate license depends on the worker’s situation and your business needs. Review the UKVI website and consider factors like the worker’s skill level, required visa type, and duration of employment.

How long does it take to get a sponsorship license?
Processing times generally range from 6–8 weeks but may take longer depending on application complexity or requests for additional information.

What if my sponsorship license application is rejected?
If you believe the decision was incorrect, you can request an administrative review. Consulting an immigration lawyer can be helpful in these situations.


Acquiring a visa sponsorship license unlocks a wealth of opportunities for your UK business. It enables you to access a global talent pool, address crucial skill shortages, and cultivate a dynamic workforce. Understanding eligibility criteria, selecting the right license type, and navigating the application process with accurate documentation is essential.

While sponsorship entails responsibilities such as recordkeeping and compliance checks, the long-term benefits for your organization are significant. Utilize the resources available, from the UKVI website to immigration advisors, and embark on the journey of attracting top international talent to drive your company’s success.

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